Call for Papers


The 32nd European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference (ESFLC2023), which will take place in Vigo on 15-17 June 2023, invites SFL and associated disciplines to bring diverse analytical and theoretical perspectives to the development of the theoretical framework.

We welcome proposals in English that approach the theme of the conference ‘(Cognitive) Developments in multimodal (digital) communication: Expanding traditional borders in SFL’, as well as other aspects within the theory, with the aim to consolidate ESFLC2023 as a forum for all SFL research.

The following formats will be considered:

  • 20-minute papers (plus 8 minutes for questions and answers)
  • Single-themed symposia with multiple (3-5) speakers
  • Posters

All submissions will be evaluated by the scientific committee, who will consider their relevance to the framework, their quality and their originality.

  • Abstracts for paper and poster proposals should include a title, a maximum of 300 words (including references) and 3-5 keywords.
  • Abstracts for symposium proposals should include a title, a general description of their purpose (maximum 100 words), and individual descriptions of the papers to be presented (maximum 300 words each, including references and keywords).
    Convenors of symposia are responsible for deciding their theme, inviting speakers, gathering abstracts from speakers, and organising the order of the discussions.

Please submit your proposals via

Important dates:

  • Abstract submission: 14 October 2022 – 20 January 2023 31 JANUARY 2023
  • Acceptance notification: 21 February 2023
  • Early-bird registration: 21 February – 31 March 2023
  • Regular registration: 01–30 April 2023